Thursday, February 25, 2016

What Inspires You?

        The cerebral cortex. Thats the simple answer. Neurologists are pretty aware that an area the size of a gobstopper on the right side of your cerebral hemisphere is the area of the brain which fires up during that ‘eureka’ moment, but its far more complicated than a spontaneous firing of neurons. 
The brain is your facilitator, but it does this by piecing together a tremendous amount of stimuli from the world you encounter every day, a world which is different for each and every one of us. 
Marketing companies exploit these sponges in our head by purposefully firing their own brand of stimulus into our eyes, ears and tastebuds, but of course, we can do something to balance the books. Simply put yourself in a position to soak up the right stimuli. Maybe that a show, maybe a museum or two, perhaps a campaign trip or a good hike. Nature is the biggest stress reliever I have found to date. A gigantic, beautiful and cot affective tranquilizer. 
More than that however, nature appears to have a variety of effects physiologically as well as psychologically. Research shows a positive correlation between natural stimuli and physical health. 

Whether you're a teenager or a senior, 
portrait photographer or writer, if you’re hitting a dead end, feeling uninspired, maybe its time to change your surroundings. What ever it is that get you feeling relaxed and allows you creativity to flow, actively seek it out. So the big question to you is, what inspires you?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Here Comes The Lovely Light

Well if you're also in the Midwest, you may well have just experienced a taste of the coming spring. What an amazing weekend of weather. However, this got me to thinking about outdoor shoots.

There is no nicer time than a lovely warm morning, hazy sun and beautiful early light to capture the most stunning portraits you'll ever see. As the weather warms and the golden sun starts to become accessible once again, it might be time to consider getting back out there.

If you're looking for a lovely set of family shots or a romantic shoot with your partner (hey, even just a solo shoot looking great!) feel free to give me a shout and i'll be happy to set something up.

Head to my website: and head to the Contact page.

Enjoy the weather as we move into March everyone!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Objective Objects

        Ever looked at an object in your house like a door handle or a vase and thought ‘wow, that would make a great shot?’ Probably not eh? Well maybe it’s time to do just that. 

      Recently i’ve taken a liking to looking at objects in a new light. Literally. Just playing around with angles and lighting and getting some enjoyment from the mundane. Everyday objects like lights, mechanical parts, bricks even. 

      The variety of textures and colors available within your own home to point a camera at is phenomenal. 

      There’s plenty of inspiring work out there to look at on this same theme, so if you’re considering it, take a look around: ( ). 

If the weather isn't great and you’re feeling like a day in the house, there’s still no excuse not to have that camera out!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Winter is for Winners

Letting off steam is always a good thing. That's true for us, and just as true for hot springs in Yellowstone. If you're an avid visitor of the National Park but you've only seen it in it's warmer, more hospitable months, I promise you a winter visit will blow you away. 

Not only will the lack of other people allow you to feel like Yellowstone is a wild place, (which of course it mostly still is) but you will get to see the contrast of ludicrous cold weather against hot, lush geothermal activity. This photo picks up that feeling pretty well. Taken on a trip into the center of the park last January, it captures the hot steam rising from a typical spring, with the bathing bacteria laughing at winters attempt to destroy them while they soak in a warm nutrient rich pool.
This is the time of year you meet the hardiest creatures, are you one of them?