The cerebral cortex. Thats the simple answer. Neurologists are pretty aware that an area the size of a gobstopper on the right side of your cerebral hemisphere is the area of the brain which fires up during that ‘eureka’ moment, but its far more complicated than a spontaneous firing of neurons.
The brain is your facilitator, but it does this by piecing together a tremendous amount of stimuli from the world you encounter every day, a world which is different for each and every one of us.
Marketing companies exploit these sponges in our head by purposefully firing their own brand of stimulus into our eyes, ears and tastebuds, but of course, we can do something to balance the books. Simply put yourself in a position to soak up the right stimuli. Maybe that a show, maybe a museum or two, perhaps a campaign trip or a good hike. Nature is the biggest stress reliever I have found to date. A gigantic, beautiful and cot affective tranquilizer.
More than that however, nature appears to have a variety of effects physiologically as well as psychologically. Research shows a positive correlation between natural stimuli and physical health.
Whether you're a teenager or a senior,
portrait photographer or writer, if you’re hitting a dead end, feeling uninspired, maybe its time to change your surroundings. What ever it is that get you feeling relaxed and allows you creativity to flow, actively seek it out. So the big question to you is, what inspires you?