Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Winter is for Winners

Letting off steam is always a good thing. That's true for us, and just as true for hot springs in Yellowstone. If you're an avid visitor of the National Park but you've only seen it in it's warmer, more hospitable months, I promise you a winter visit will blow you away. 

Not only will the lack of other people allow you to feel like Yellowstone is a wild place, (which of course it mostly still is) but you will get to see the contrast of ludicrous cold weather against hot, lush geothermal activity. This photo picks up that feeling pretty well. Taken on a trip into the center of the park last January, it captures the hot steam rising from a typical spring, with the bathing bacteria laughing at winters attempt to destroy them while they soak in a warm nutrient rich pool.
This is the time of year you meet the hardiest creatures, are you one of them?

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